Celebrating women at hvs on International Women’s Day 2023


Hydrogen Vehicle Systems

At HVS we strive to create an equitable environment for women to thrive in our organisation, and we have sat down with Giulia Marchioro - our new Project Planner, to get her insight.


What made you choose engineering?

I had a passion for maths and studied in Science High School in Italy. In Italy, it was normal for women to attend engineering courses in University as there was a balance between engineering and Management.

When you started to apply for jobs - did you feel equal?

I felt equal and was lucky enough not to have been asked questions around my family plans and future career! That was quite refreshing.

I joined a programme to engage young students to change the setup of the company to get fresh, young minds into the company and this was a good start to my career.

Going on site visits there is a strong male mentality however I overcame this by supporting and participating at every opportunity. I did not shy away. I was expanding my knowledge with constant learning on the job.



Who stood out to date as a good leader?

My first manager was great, I was treated as an equal and he taught me how to approach different people in various roles and build on my stakeholder management. Learning how to network, to build confidence in the industry was essential.

What do you think HVS could do to engage more women into the workplace?

Education and confidence begins at an early age. We should speak at schools to give insight into engineering and being honest with yourself about what you enjoy and follow.

A partnership with local universities would also be beneficial to engage the next generation females into engineering. Showing young women the opportunities available, the current successful women in industry, could help to motivate and encourage women to explore fields they may feel apprehensive about.



What advice would you give to women who wish to pursue a career in engineering?

Don’t give up and there will be challenges to overcome - these are not personal and don't let it hold you back.

What are your ambitions for HVS?

My aim is to contribute to shape the company future, not only by delivering the project I am working on, but also supporting the creation of the company culture and values.

And of course, to deliver the best HVS product on the market!



Graphic Design, Web Design, Branding, Marketing


Hydrogen Vehicle Systems becomes a member of the Scottish Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA)